Matt Hill
UI Designer & Frontend Developer
I’m Matt Hill, a professional web designer and front-end developer. Since 1993 I’ve helped to create over one hundred digital experiences for companies, agencies and individuals. This site is a record of that work.
Current Work
GDS aims to make digital government simpler, clearer and faster for everyone. GDS products and services are used by more than 13 million people each week, and are relied upon by more than 1,900 public sector organisations.
Find out more about my work at Government Digital Services
Previous Work
This role had many different requirements, ranging from front-end development, prototyping, creating and maintaining design systems and pattern libraries, running A/B tests, user research, interviewing and mentoring.
Find out more about my work at Natural History Museum
Inclusive Retreats offer a hand-picked selection of some of the world's best LGBT-friendly hotels, resorts and homestays. In partnership with a back-end developer, I designed the structure and user journeys of this site. I created the branding and visual style, and I developed the design system for the front-end and coded the front-end templates.
Find out more about my work at Inclusive Retreats
Global Radio own some of the most popular radio stations in the UK. On this contract, I designed the visuals for the new mobile versions of Capital Xtra, XFM and Heart according to brand guidelines.
Find out more about my work at Global Radio